Greenstone Care & RECRUITMENT LTD

Supported Living Services For Vulnerable Adults

Our support services are available for people with needs which relate to mental health, challenging behaviours, substance misuse, learning disabilities and more.

Greenstone Care & RECRUITMENT LTD

Supported Living Services For Vulnerable Adults

Our support services are available for people with needs which relate to mental health, challenging behaviours, substance misuse, learning disabilities and more.

We provide tailored support and housing helping people to attain independence.

Greenstone Care And Recruitment provides tailored support and supported housing placements for vulnerable adults with various support needs. Our support services are available for people with needs which relate to mental health, challenging behaviours, substance misuse, learning disabilities, post discharge from acute and psychiatric hospital units and more.
We aim to take each service user on a recovery journey that empowers them to live happier and more fulfilling lives with an increased level of independence.

Our Support

We support adults with a wide-range of needs including those with a background in:

What We Do

We aim to make a positive transformation in people’s lives by providing tailored support that addresses each person’s needs individually, stage by stage. Our support philosophy is underpinned by our values of teamwork, excellence and kindness, which drive the delivery of our services.

Mental Health

We provide support services for individuals with mental health needs, helping them to recover and empower them to independence.

Learning Disabilities

Our support services empower people living with learning disabilities with the skills they need to live fulfilling lives in independence.

Alcohol & Drug Misuse

Greenstone Care And Recruitment provides professional support and a variety of programmes for people with alcohol and drug misuse issues.